The Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization (UNPO) is pleased to announce that is now open for new membership applications!
What is the UNPO?
The UNPO is an international movement and organization, established in 1991, dedicated to empowering the voices of unrepresented and marginalized peoples worldwide, protecting their fundamental human rights and peacefully advocating for the universal right to self-determination.
The peoples represented within the UNPO membership stand united through one shared condition: they are denied equal representation in the institutions of regional, national, or international governance. Therefore, they are unable to fully realize their human rights and are subjected to discrimination and oppression.
The organization consists of a General Assembly of members, which serves as a deliberative body for decision making, solidarity and standard setting among unrepresented nations and peoples. In addition, a Foundation has been established to provide secretariat services for the General Assembly, and to improve the universal respect for the rights of unrepresented peoples everywhere through research, education, and public campaigns.
Members pay an annual a membership fee, as determined by the General Assembly. Membership fees currently stand at €3000 (Three-thousand Euros).
The UNPO invites any non-violent nations and peoples that are not afforded adequate representation to apply to join the UNPO’s unique, pioneering, and impassioned global network.
What the UNPO offers to its members:
The joining of a unique international community, forged through solidarity.
The UNPO is a global network propelled by the unity and mutual support between its members; a global network collectively striving for recognition, equality, and justice. In addition to unlocking access to this network, the UNPO holds bi-annual member meetings to foster inter-member knowledge sharing, networking, and alliance-building opportunities.
A platform from which marginalized and unrepresented voices can raise international awareness.
Through joining a recognized global network, UNPO members have the capacity to raise international awareness and recognition of their community, bolstered by the support of its other members. The campaigns of members are platformed through the UNPO’s website, member profiles, periodic newsletters, and news articles.
An environment in which communities can strengthen their ability to advocate.
The UNPO provides a unique opportunity for communities to learn from, and advocate with, other nations and peoples who are striving for the same goals and facing the same barriers. In addition, members have access to capacity building and training sessions, from one to three times a year dependent on the capacity of the secretariat, covering diverse topics. Membership Criteria:
Membership is open to communities who subscribe to the following principles as set out in the UNPO Covenant:
The equal right of all peoples to self-determination;
Adherence to internationally-accepted human rights standards;
Adherence to the principles of democratic pluralism and rejection of intolerance;
Promotion of non-violence and the rejection of terrorism and violence as instruments of policy;
Promotion of gender equality;
Protection of the natural environment.
How to apply:
To apply please follow the following steps:
fulfill the UNPO Initial Inquiry Form found as attached document in the top right of the page with as much details possible*
send it to [email protected] and CC [email protected] , clearly specifying the contact of at least 2 representatives
*due to the amount of applications expected, please note that we will not consider forms not fulfilled or emails not referring to the information requested.
What is next?
The secretariat will inform you within a month of the reception of the form Whether your application for membership is under consideration.
If the response is positive, the secretariat will send an additional more detailed form and a list of documents to be provided. Additionally, a request for the payment of non-refundable 1’000 euros will be requested. This fee will cover the cost of the secretariat in order to conduct in-depth research on the nation, representativity of the organization applying and fulfillment of the criteria described in the covenant by the organization. A first interview between the applicants and the secretariat will be also conducted.
The information compiled will be gathered in a report that will be presented to the 11 members of the UNPO presidency in a presidency meeting. An interview between the presidency members and the applicants will be conducted. The full process is expected to take between 6 to 12 months depending on the amount of applications.
The applicant will be notified within the next month of their acceptance or not in the organization.
If the applicant is accepted, formal acceptance will take place at the following General Assembly, with approval from the rest of the UNPO membership.