East Turkestan: EU Urged to Go Beyond Statement
UNPO has called on the European Union (EU) to work with the World Uyghur Congress (WUC) to investigate the events leading up to unrest in Xinjiang Province.
As unrest continued to blight the province of Xinjiang on 7 July 2009, the Presidency of the European Union (EU) issued an official statement expressing its “strong concern” over the ongoing instability and loss of life in the province.
In its statement, the EU also reaffirmed the importance it places upon the respect of human rights, freedom of expression, and right to peaceful assembly and urged for these rights to be observed in the wake of the unrest.
However, for decades these rights have been curtailed or restricted by the Chinese authorities, culminating in the cultural, linguistic, political, and religious marginalization of the Uyghur population that is evident in Xinjiang today.
UNPO therefore supports and stands willing to assist the EU’s efforts to bring a peaceful resolution to the unrest in the Xinjiang Province, and to avoid any further loss of live, urges it to do so expeditiously.
UNPO also urges the EU and its member states to engage with the World Uyghur Congress (WUC) and launch an official investigation into the unrest, as urged by international bodies such as UNPO and Human Rights Watch.
Note: To read the statement of the Swedish Presidency of the European Union, please click here.