East Turkestan: China Warns Norway not to Award Nobel to Kadeer
The Chinese Deputy Foreign Minister Zhang Yesui told members of a Norwegian foreign ministry delegation in
State Secretary at the foreign ministry Raymond Johansen said Friday that the Chinese threat was "totally unacceptable" and "inappropriate".
The Norwegian Nobel Prize Committee was completely independent of the government, he said. The winner of the prize will be announced on Oct 13.
The Chinese human rights activist was arrested in 1999 as a result of her campaign on behalf of the rights of the Uighur ethnic minority, to which she belongs.
She was sentenced to eight years in prison, but was released in 2004 and now lives in exile in the
In the following years
Norwegian media compared the Chinese attitude to the prize with that of the Nazis to the decision to award the prize to Carl von Ossietzy in 1935.
Nazi threats were unable to prevent