UNPO and WUC Introduce New MEPs to the Uyghur Crisis
On June 26th 2019, the UNPO and the World Uyghur Congress (WUC) jointly organized a cocktail reception for new MEPs. The aim of the event was to raise awareness of the dramatic situation of the Uyghur community in East Turkestan and present the work of the Uyghur Friendship Group within the EP, set to continue during its new legislature.
Hosted by MEP Csaba Sogor, the reception saw the participation of a number of MEPs and fervent supporters of the Uyghur cause, such as MEP Julie Ward and MEP Helga Trüpel, who spoke about her efforts within the Uyghur Friendship Group and renewed her commitment to speak out for minorities even after the termination of her mandate. The UNPO and the WUC wish to thank them and all the Members of the Uyghur Friendship Group once again for their dedication and commitment.
The audience was also greeted by Mr. Dolkun Isa, President of the World Uyghur Congress as well as UNPO Vice-President, who described the struggle of the Uyghur people and called for international denouncement of the internment camps. These so-called “vocational training centers” are part of China’s policy of assimilation and social re-engineering and aim to annihilate all aspects of Uyghur identity (culture, history, language and religion) in order to impose allegiance to the leading Communist Party.
An especially valuable contribution was given by members of the Belgian Uyghur diaspora community, who engaged in dialogue with the participants and shared their personal stories, giving a more “human face” to the Uyghur struggle.