Declaration of the UNPO Presidency
“Uyghur Human Rights Situation Requires Urgent International Attention Following a Series of Incidents”
Brussels, Belgium, 7 July 2013
In view of the Fourth Anniversary of the Urumchi Unrest in East Turkestan on the 5th of July, of the upcoming observance of Ramadan, which continues to be severely repressed year-on-year, and of several recent incidents that have left more than 70 people dead and many more injured or detained, the UNPO Presidency would like to make the following declaration:
The UNPO Presidency declares that:
-they strongly support the Uyghur people’s struggle in view of recent developments in East Turkestan;
-UNPO’s Members will continue to work on tackling issues in the pursuit of the achievement of universal human rights for all;
-they are saddened by the several deaths, arrests and sentencing that have occurred in recent months, in particular during the incidents at Maralbeshi (23 April 2013) and Lukchun (26 June 2013);
-fundamental human rights standards are non-derogable, and must be adhered to in all situations – any derogation of these rights is reprehensible;
-human rights violations witnessed on and in the aftermath of 5 July 2009 in Urumchi are not conducive to democracy nor adherent to human rights laws. Further action must be taken to rectify this dark episode in East Turkestan at a local, regional, national and international level.
The UNPO Presidency call upon the International Community to:
- exert pressure on the People's Republic of China (PRC) to adhere to international law and human rights norms;
- take a stronger stance against human rights violations in the PRC;
- reject, until significant improvements, the PRC’s attempts to accede to the membership of the UN Human Rights Council in 2014.
The UNPO Presidency calls upon:
-The European Union Institutions and the US Congress to work more closely together to achieve the full realisation of universal human rights through their effective promotion and protection;
-The EU High Representative Baroness Ashton and the EU Special Representative for Human Rights Stavros Lambrinidis to show more visibility in undertaking their work, as per the European Council’s Strategic Framework on Human Rights and Democracy (
The UNPO Presidency:
-urges the PRC to allow for an impartial, independent and comprehensive investigation into the incidents at Maralbeshi, Lukchun, Hotan and Urumchi in East Turkestan;
-urges the PRC to undertake a second impartial, independent and comprehensive investigation into the events of 5 July 2009 Urumchi, where many instances of human rights abuses were left uninvestigated , in particular in regards to the issue of enforced disappearances;
-refrain from undertaking further human rights violations to conceal preexisting ones;
-release all political prisoners, cease the use of the death penalty and end repressions on culture, language, religion and identity of the Uyghur people;
-recognise that self-determination is a means by which fundamental human rights can be attained for all;
-implement real and meaningful self-determination to achieve this end.
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Dolkun Isa Ngawang Choephel
WUC Chairman UNPO President