2009 - 2010 Project: Preserving The Tradition Of Ogoni And Mapuche People
Ongoing 2009-2010
The Ogoni and Mapuche project of 'Preserving Tradition' was designed by UNPO to protect and empower children and young people by promoting their right to education. It has been funded by the Nando Peretti Foundation which supports programs which emphasize benefits to children's health and education. www.nandoperettifound.org
The formal education which the Mapuche receive lacks any teaching of their traditional values and principles. This project aims to revitalize Mapuche ancestral education and knowledge and raise awareness of the importance of language and culture to enhance the survival of this ancient population.
Like the Mapuche, the Ogoni’s way of life is under threat despite peaceful attempts at self-representation. The most pressing situation facing Ogoni youth is mass unemployment coupled with the temptation of dangerous and illegal work in oil bunkering. The Supporting environmental education and addressing the needs of the youth population will prevent this and ensure the longevity of the Ogoni way of life.
For activities please see below